PlayStation 5 could have a new social function that will give users the ability to leave messages of various kinds within the games, either single player and multiplayer. This new feature would include written messages, drawings e audio and, according to Sony, will be expertly filtered to avoid any sort of spoilers or inappropriate content. In addition to simple users, even the developers of the various titles will be able to leave clues and advice aimed at helping players in difficulty. It appears that the messages are grouped by specific Tag to make the search for these suggestions more suited to your needs.
For now the function in question is only in the form of patent and it is not yet known when it will be officially shown or released on PlayStation 5. Several doubts arise regarding the functioning of the feature, starting from the composition of the messages themselves, which could be free and customizable or delimited by a series of preset words and phrases combinable with each other to form complete texts. An example of how these “closed” messages can be used can be seen in the series Dark Souls, where the players, using the functions online courses, they can leave messages on the ground in specific points of the map containing suggestions or warnings addressed to other users, avoiding - thanks to the limitations of words imposed - spoilers or unsuitable and vulgar content. Another not indifferent doubt concerns the quotation of voice messages. In this specific case we don't know how Sony want to move, as filtering them could be tedious and complicated.
It must be said that the Japanese house, in addition to churning out many exclusives, it is focusing on appearance social of PlayStation 5 giving more and more opportunities to users to share their work in-game and communicate with other players. However these features, innovative and useful as they may be, could undermine the quality of the experience, giving the struggling player a series of shortcuts that, in the long run, can deprive the feeling of challenge that a game should have. We just have to wait for new updates on this new feature in the pipeline from Sony, hoping for an intelligent implementation and in an accurate and wisely filtering of messages.