The waiting of the players for the arrival of PlayStation 5 has now reached the stars and the attention that users reserve for every slightest indiscretion related to the console of new generation di Sony it does nothing but certify how much the flagship of the Japanese giant is one of the main topics of discussion in this period. Thanks to the announcements related to line-up of launch, to the diffusion of Datasheet and the explanation of the new ones software features, now almost everything is known about PlayStation 5 but a very important element is still immersed in the mystery: the exit date. Sony has never provided a real date regarding the day on which the next-gen console will hit the shelves around the world, providing a stringent and ambiguous information that indicates the upcoming Christmas holidays as a launch period. The various State of Play they have not provided any news on the matter but it seems that something is finally about to change.
In fact, on the Official site area of English division Sony, the launch period of the new console has been updated both in terms of the platform and in terms of the games he official accessories. On the respective dedicated pages, the writing Holiday 2020 has given way to a Late NEVER which, in the light of what has previously emerged on the network, could confirm a differentiated release between the various regions of the world. In fact, in the American Sony store it is still indicated that the arrival of the console is confirmed for the Christmas holidays. For the record, we report that also on the Official site the wording Coming at the end of 2020 is present. In the absence of precise information from Sony, we just have to wait for new announcements that could finally give a definitive answer to one of the questions that more than any other are gripping players of all the world.