In recent times PlayStation 5 is receiving a whole host of features not initially imagined from Sony. After the ability to use the Google browser by texting it to a friend, this time it's the game War Thunder to add new possibilities to the console. The title of Gaijin Entertainment, in fact, it allows to use the USB mouse on the console. How? War Thunder fully supports the keyboard and mouse, then accessing the game's web browser on the PS5 will automatically enable mouse support.
All that needs to be done is click on a link within War Thunder and the browser will launch. And thanks to the functionality of the title, you can navigate using a USB mouse. For the uninitiated, the PlayStation 5 web browser it is actually hidden, and cannot be accessed naturally. However, simply by clicking on a URL from a message or other source, it will light up, and you will be able to access it as well as you can do for example on PlayStation 4. The Sony console, therefore, is acquiring new features in this period that were initially not wanted by the developers themselves. Users, in fact, are slowly bringing to light hidden features, which, apparently, are initiated through the possibility of sending messages between players. A discovery made some time ago by a user on Reddit, who realized he could use the search engine of Google on your console, after sending it to a friend via private message.
We do not know, at the moment, if these features can be exploited on all consoles. Sony does not seem to have noticed at the moment, and we do not exclude that with a future firmware update this trick cannot be blocked by the same company. Or, why not, given the persistent attempts of the players, that these features cannot be implemented officially instead.