In the past few hours a very sad news has surfaced, as well as predictable at the same time: all PlayStation 5 have been put up for sale exhausted. And in case you have not understood, we are not referring only to our state, but towhole globe. Due to this terrible communication, many players will be forced to put their souls in peace, because for some time to come there will be no more pieces available. Sony's production needs to get back to work immediately and try to be faster now than ever before to market new consoles: demand still remains high. It was to communicate this fact to us Jim Ryan, the CEO of Sony that especially in this period is giving a lot to do. During an interview with the famous Russian newspaper TASS, the man stated that there are no more copies for sale at retail, and that every single piece has undoubtedly been sold out quickly. Below, we leave you some of his words:
It was all sold. Absolutely everything. I've spent much of the past year making sure we can generate enough demand for the product, but now, as an executive, I have to spend even more time making sure I increase supply to meet current demand.
The PlayStation 5 was released last 12 November in the United States, while in Europe it landed only 4 days ago and the console's online order list has reached very high numbers: a fact probably also dictated by the period we are currently facing. That said, did you know that according to a leak uncovered in the past few hours, a version could be planned remastered di The Last of US: Part 2 for the PlayStation 5?