Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Jim Ryan, during a recent release to the site GameIndustry.Biz, explained that with the change of generation and with the arrival of PlayStation 5 the costs of producing the new titles will skyrocket. Here are his statements on the matter:
I believe that, with the advancement of the possibilities offered by technology, the graphics sector will reach a level of photo-realism that makes games similar to real life. Games will become a much more intense human and economic commitment than in the past, and for this reason I am convinced that there will be an increase in the budget for the production of the titles. But we don't want it to be a sudden surge. We would like to extend the number of consoles in circulation as quickly as possible. In this way we will provide the developers with fertile ground to monetize
Of course, these statements are not surprising. The history of video games has taught us that over the years the production of titles has become more and more tortuous and expensive. If once you were able to produce even one title per year belonging to the same series without excessive economic and production costs, nowadays this is almost impossible. To see what it has in store for us Sony with the advent of the new generation we just have to wait for the presentation of the PlayStation 5 lineup, which, however, does not yet have an official date.