Wellgamer161 just retweeted on their profile Twitter some photos of Dev-kit di PlayStation 5 which allow us to observe more closely and more precisely one of the very first models available to developers. The aesthetic form of PS5 has changed a lot over time and what you see in the photographs is only a test version, not available to the general public of the console that was made with the purpose only to allow technicians to test their games on new home hardware Sony. The event is also noteworthy because it tracks part of the evolution of the project. We leave you the tweet we are talking about at the bottom.
After all, the use of Dev-Kit is a very common practice in the console market, given the times that the manufacture of dedicated devices for Games require. In fact, designing a gaming machine for mass use is a very complex and expensive process that requires years of development and methodical study on all the components present. Obviously this construction process cannot be exempt from coordination with development studios for titles that will then be reproduced there, since digital products must usually be released concurrently or very closely with the release date of the hardware, thus making it essential that the software is produced within a reasonable time.
For this reason the use of developer kit is very common and the shape of the machine is exclusively dedicated to the function and never the other way around, since prototypes are needed that are as functional and performing as possible without affecting the working rhythms of the technicians rather than respecting certain rents di beauty specific or dimensions maybe more contained. In fact the PlayStation 5 Dev-Kit was already very big from its first appearance, mainly for reasons of ventilation and cooling of the components, considering that the form a V it was needed for this.
Development Kit for PlayStation®5https: //t.co/cuojDDbHqk@PS5only @ PS3NewsDOTcom @ geronimo_73 @ruancarlo_silva @JustAnLED @ViewtifulGuru @blueisviolet pic.twitter.com/vc7TDivYmp
- wellgamer16 (@ wellgamer161) March 9, 2021