Sony Interactive Entertainment, in view of the showcase to be held Wednesday 16 September at 22:00, has recently released the new commercial dedicated to PlayStation 5. The short film, nicknamed "The Edge”And which you can conveniently find on the cover, shows us a young man on a fishing boat crossing the sea before being apparently transported to another“ dimension ”, along with other types of boats and airships. Galvanized, he loads his boat through a water barrier, followed by the entire fleet.
According to the recent words of Eric Lempel, head of marketing at SIE, the company intends to promote the “PlayStation” brand, or to leverage the new features of the new console rather than betting everything on the upcoming exclusives. We report in detail what Lempel said to Variety's microphones:
The aim is to evoke some of the feelings you would get from PlayStation 5. In reality, it's all about who we are as a brand and to thrill and excite our fans. We want to excite and excite you.
We want to show them a path to the mysterious unknown… what you see is that they are reaching the limit, and then going beyond. And this is precisely what we are trying to pursue in this generation. It's not about the features. It is a spot dedicated to the brand.
Also, according to the words of the head of marketing at SIE, the "new" commercial was made before the outbreak of the pandemic caused by the coronavirus. As for the first advertising film, which you can retrieve by consulting the following link, it was made after the closure of the various offices and some activities, for this reason the actor had to act at his home, and only later were they CG effects added. We remind you that this Wednesday, September 16th at 22:00, Will be held the highly anticipated showcase dedicated to PlayStation 5, during which Sony will not only present some updates of the titles coming out on the next-gen console, but (most likely) will reveal the release date and the price of the latter.