Just last month, as we wrote in our dedicated article, CustomizeMyPlates.com was forced to change his original name to "PlateStation5”And eventually withdrew the entire range of faceplates PlayStation 5 customized, following the threat of legal action by Sony itself. The UK-based company shifted its focus to custom console skins and said it would act "wiser" on trademark and patent laws in the near future. However, now Customize My Plates is relying on the platform of crowdfunding Gofundme to bring the PlayStation 5 custom shells back to the market. Since many may not understand, we would like to specify that, as revealed in an official console teardown video released last month, the PS5's standard white shell comes off, theoretically allowing unofficial replicas to be easily inserted in its place. .
The company recently asked Twitter followers if they were interested in a potential crowdfunding model for faceplates, and on Saturday it confirmed to VGC to have decided to go ahead with the scheme. Full details will soon be announced on its social channels. The company did not say if it had resolved its legal problems with PlayStation, however: on Twitter it suggested it could create one petition "Lobbying Sony to allow us to do the X-rays," and a spokesperson confirmed to VGC that this would be part of his plans. A person at a major third-party peripheral company told VGC that crowdfunding could help deny Sony's threat of legal action and that he believed it would ultimately not be able to prevent the sale of custom bezels:
My guess is that Sony won't be able to control it in the long run. There will be tons of companies making these faceplates and Sony won't be able to stop them. If we look at something like a controller, Sony can reasonably fight unofficial third parties by updating the console's firmware and blocking such imitations, but a faceplate? There isn't much they can do in the long run. Sony can't stop them from producing bits of plastic that simply fit into their system.