Here we are. Now very little is missing when it arrives on the shelves of PlayStation 5, and the new Sony console is starting to arrive in the offices of the major newspapers in the sector, as well as in the salons of youtubers and most famous people. In the general enthusiasm, the well-known insider Nibel shared some videos and images of the new one on his Twitter account PlayStation, and in particular a photo caught our attention. That of comparison with its great rival, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S.
PS5 vs Xbox Series X vs Xbox Series Shttps: //t.co/QT2Kq80cdV pic.twitter.com/oYk1jrH1dp
- Nibel (@Nibellion) October 27, 2020
Rumors about the size of next-generation consoles have been chasing each other online for months. There were even those who made renderings, hypothesizing which of the two could be larger or smaller than the other. Today, with the start of deadlines on some embargoes, we have the official comparison. And, as had been assumed, PlayStation 5 turned out to be significantly bigger than Xbox, both in its Series S and Series X form. As we can see from the photo posted by Nibel on Twitter, the Sony console is significantly taller, at least a good 15 inches compared to Series X, and about 20 inches compared to Series S. These two, on the other hand, at least when they are positioned vertically turn out to be wider.
It therefore seems that future PlayStation 5 owners will have to do plenty of room in the living room to display their new console, both horizontally and vertically. In the photo, however, only the Sony console with an optical drive was shown. As we well know, in fact, the digital-only version will take up less space and will have a much slimmer livery. So we just have to wait for the few weeks that separate us from the arrival of the new generation in our homes, so that we can touch the consoles firsthand and see their weight and size.