Sony continues to shed some light on the much-criticized feature of PlayStation 5, which would allow the next generation console of the Japanese giant of record users' voice chats. Apparently, the new feature would allow players to register 40 seconds of voice clips to report abuse or harassment in voice chat. We report below the words of Catherine Jensen, Sony's global consumer experience vice president:
Its sole purpose is to help report inappropriate behavior, including actions that violate our community “code of conduct”. Please note that this feature will not actively monitor or listen to user conversations - ever - and is strictly reserved for reporting online abuse or harassment.
Furthermore, Jensen not only reiterated that the registration will be sent directly to the Consumer Experience team for moderation, in order to assess whether there are extremes to act, and that this option will be mandatory for everyone, so that “users feel safe when they play with others online“. Therefore, it will not be possible to disable it in any way. Finally, PS4 players will be able to chat with those on PS5 when the latter launches next November.
Waiting to find out more details on the new generation console of the Japanese giant and on the new game interface, we remind you that PlayStation 5 will be available for purchase in our country starting from the next November 19 2020, at the price respectively of 499,99 € (PS5 "standard") and of 399,99 € (PS5 Digital Edition), already available for pre-order from k and other select retailers. In addition, in recent weeks, several retailers have anticipated the release date not only of Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales and Demon's Souls to November 12, but also that of accessories, which will be shipped to the USA starting from 30 October.