During this year the Blizzard has been particularly silent about Overwatch 2, especially after the announcement, in November last year, of the cancellation of the annual edition of the BlizzCon. Finally, however, we know when we should have more news from the team. Overwatch director, Jeff Kaplan, in fact confirmed that an Overwatch 2 update is slated for BlizzCon Online in February next year.
An update for Overwatch 2 is being planned for BlizzCon Online, which is set to take place on February 19 - 20, 2021. https://t.co/nNLpuBD9j0 pic.twitter.com/CZMPwy3a5B
- IGN (@IGN) December 17, 2020
In a brief, new developer update, Kaplan confirmed that Overwatch fans will know more about the upcoming sequel to the BlizzCon Online to be held February 19-20, 2021. The two-day event is a fully digital replacement for the company's usual annual BlizzCon, which is typically a live fan event ad Anaheim, in California. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Blizzard has announced that it will miss its physical event in 2020 and host a fully digital alternative in 2021. Other conventions such as GDC and PAX have been moved online this year following the pandemic. The developer update also detailed a new free map, Kanezaka, coming to the original Overwatch, and summarized the game's updates throughout the year. Based on a Japanese location, Kanezaka is a free map currently available for testing on the PTR. Overwatch's Winter Wonderland 2020 event is also underway and will run until January 5th. Kaplan also said the Blizzard team is primarily focused on Overwatch 2 right now. Blizzard has already announced that we will also see the latest news on Diablo IV at BlizzCon Online.
Overwatch 2 is a sequel to Blizzard's competitive PvP shooter that will expand the lore and universe with a story-centric PvE mode. There will also be new competitive maps, modes and heroes, but these additions will also come for free to the first Overwatch. We just have to wait for the beginning of next year to find out more about this long-awaited title