Nintendo Switch has recently updated to firmware 12.0.0, bringing with it several improvements and stability to performance as regards the hybrid console of the Kyoto house. Among the various innovations that many fans and enthusiasts expected with more anticipation, certainly in the first position was the subscription service Nintendo Switch Online, which according to many - despite the truly negligible annual cost - cannot keep up with other rival companies and their respective subscription services to play online.
Things seemed to be about to take their turn after the many rumors that would have seen the addition in the catalog of retro games offered by Nintendo Switch to subscribers to the online service, also many pearls taken directly from the playground of Nintendo 64 or even since GameCube. Apparently, unfortunately, things could take a completely different turn since a recent report by Nate Drake (which despite the name is a well-known insider of the big N) would seem to reveal that Nintendo Switch Online is not planning a new wave of content for your own retrogaming catalog.
According to the report, in fact, in the plans of the big N there would be no idea of renewing the contents of the subscription service in the near future, unlike what the rumors concerning the arrival of games for Nintendo 64 or GameCube said very often referred to these additions referred to first quarter of the 2021, which apparently isn't going to happen according to Nate Drake.
In short, unfortunately there will still be a lot to wait to see how this subscription service offered by Nintendo intends to evolve, which, excluding the really advantageous cost, does not seem to be. in step with the services of competing companies, with content and a park of classics and old glories to play for free that according to many appear to be scarce in quantity and that would need new additions as soon as possible.