The success of Ni No Kuni it is certainly on the lips of many. The excellent first chapter originally released on Nintendo DS and PlayStation 3, and later for other consoles, was then followed by a second adventure unrelated to the first but also of excellent workmanship. The work of Level-5 is certainly astounding and the combination with the very famous Japanese animation studio, lo Studio Ghibli, gave birth to a work of sublime beauty. Many are therefore waiting for the arrival of a new adventure (excluding the episode that will also land on smartphones) and, the president of the software house, spoke about it during a recent interview, where he illustrated the plans of the development studio for the 'next year missing a few too many words also about Ni No Kuni 3.
Ni No Kuni 3 It has not been officially announced yet, despite this the software house is currently working on two as many and important works such as Inazuma Eleven: Great Road of Heroes and Megaton-Kyuu Musashi. While not going too far, the President declared that development is progressing well and that therefore, very soon, there could be an important announcement. The probabilities of the case all point to Ni No Kuni 3, alternatively, the other big brand of the company is Yo-kai Watch, while the two titles above already enjoy the official nature of the case.
Ni No Kuni: Threat of the White Witch has been released for Nintendo DS, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PC and Nintendo Switch. Subsequently, the renamed sequel Ni No Kuni 2: The Destiny of a Kingdom made its debut on PlayStation 4 and PC. For those who missed the first two reviews, we leave you the one of the first chapter at the following link and the review of the second adventure at this other link. Stay tuned to our pages to discover all the news and announcements related to Level-5's fairytale and dream saga.