After the official announcement last year Nintendo Direct of 18 September 2020, Capcom has returned to show hers Monster hunter rise al Tokyo Game Show with two game demos of 20 minutes each, commented by the developers themselves. The producers of the game Ryozo Tsujimoto e Yasunori Ichinose they then gave an interview, giving several new information on the upcoming title Nintendo Switch, from the ignorable cutscenes to how Capcom itself will handle the Nintendo Switch Online.
We spoke to the creators of Monster Hunter Rise, and learned 7 cool things you should know about (skippable cutscenes!), And 2 not-so-cool things. https://t.co/5pumYJhNQ9 pic.twitter.com/0TovjLXYO6
- IGN (@IGN) October 6, 2020
First of all, as happened for Monster Hunter: World, also this new incarnation switch of the franchise it will be identified by a keyword in the title, in this case "Rise". Tsujimoto said that each new game will be based on a specific theme or concept, and his team therefore decided it would be best to give new hunters a title that reflects their goal. In this case “Rise” symbolizes the verticality that the gameplay and the size of the game map will assume. While the title will still have a lot in common with Monster Hunter: World, Tsujimoto and Ichinose have insisted that this new incarnation will be "truly unique" and "not just a carbon copy of World".
Game in hand, I'm sure you will experience something truly unique. We've made some of the same improvements as we did in Monster Hunter: World, but the title will carry over the Switch style from older episodes.
Unlike Monster Hunter: World, where missions could be completed in both single player and multiplayer, in Rise they will return to having separate missions. However, the developers reassure hunters not to worry, as single player progression will not affect multiplayer progression, and vice versa. However, previous Monster Hunters required players to progress through the single player campaign before they could unlock certain features of the title, and we don't yet know if this will be the case with Rise as well. About instead the cutscenes, these can be ignored in both multiplayer and single player. This means that they will no longer create a barrier to participate in multiplayer missions, as they did in World. Fortunately, each movie can be retrieved later from the gallery in the game menu.
We made sure we didn't place too many restrictions. So, you can play with anyone you want. The only restrictions in place will be related to your hunter rank.
Among the new features of the title there will be the possibility to climb and explore quite freely. For this reason, comparisons with another famous Nintendo Switch game were born right away. Ichinose and Tsujimoto burst out laughing when asked if Rise was inspired by The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. In reality, the team wanted to create a Monster Hunter with much more freedom of movement just to differentiate the title from the previous one Generations, released in 2015 for the Nintendo 3DS.
Monster Hunter games already contained a lot of exploration elements, and we basically wanted to build on that. We wanted to give the player even more freedom to move. Just moving will be a lot more fun in this game.
In the trailers shown at TGS 2020 we were then able to see some new attacks, not customizable, made possible by consuming the Wirebug bar. These will be "something that players will have to actively use during combat between attacks to create new combos." Finally, the two developers confirmed that the game icons will be adapted to the small screen of the Switch, that there will be no voice chat, and that the Prowler mode, which allowed you to play as a felyne in Generations, will not return in Monster Hunter Rise.