It has been rumored for some time that Microsoft products intends to produce a new console, in addition to the now known Xbox Series X, cheaper and less powerful. As you well know, the code name of the "secret" project of the Redmond house would be "Lockhart“, Presenting most of the improvements that we will find soon on the Xbox Series X, but providing them to the customer at a lower price, with a maximum supported resolution up to 1440p. In the past few hours, a new document has emerged, coming directly from the official website of the US giant, with extensive references to Lockhart and the multiple "Project Scarlett consoles".
The leaked document refers to a profiling method "Lockhart". Several sources close to Microsoft products confirmed to colleagues at The Verge that this special feature would be part of the Xbox Series X, with as in code "Dante Alighieri“, Which would allow developers to enable Lockhart mode, which would have its own profile related to the performance that Microsoft would like to get from this second next-gen console. At the moment we know that the secret project of the Redmond house should have 7,5 GB of RAM, a slightly underclocked CPU speed and approx 4 teraflops. Xbox Series X includes 13,5GB of usable RAM and a whopping 12 teraflops.
Furthermore, developers would be able to use the Lockhart mode to test their titles with this performance profile, carrying out several validation checks. As previously anticipated, Microsoft's new "cheap" console should support one resolution that fluctuates between 1080p and 1440p. At the moment, the US giant has not confirmed in any way the existence of a second next-gen console, renamed in recent months as "Xbox series s", Although the codename" Lockhart "would also be found on the company's Xbox One operating system, along with references to"Anaconda"And"Dante Alighieri".
an Anaconda snake is etched into the Xbox Series X mainboard, so what's going to be eteched into Lockhart? pic.twitter.com/cV7oXoDZmO
- Tom Warren (@tomwarren) March 17, 2020