For the development of Metroid Prime 4 Nintendo is doing things in a big way: as reported in the pages of the intelligence360.io portal, the Japanese giant is planningopening of a new building costing $ 530.000 (about 454 thousand euros) to allow children to Retro Studios to work best in the realization of Metroid Prime 4. The structure will boast an area of nearly 3700 square meters and should be operational from the summer of 2021. The current structure of the company, based in Austin (Texas, USA) will remain open.
Retro Studios starred in a rather aggressive strengthening campaign for the development of Metroid Prime 4, with the recent acquisition of a veteran of the Rockstar Games (GTA) team Marisa Palumbo. Also, the senior game designer of the latest God of War, Jon Marcella, and the Dylan Jobe (Call of Duty) have joined the Retro team. The new members will join a team already of absolute value like Bharatwhaj Nandakumar (also working on Call of Duty), Adad Morales (Battlefield Hardline), Bryan Erck (Shadow of the Tomb Raider) and, among others, James Beech (Crysis 3 and DC Universe Online), as reported by the nintendolife.com portal.
Metroid Prime 4, expected in exclusive on Nintendo Switch, was first announced at theE3 2017 of Los Angeles, during a Nintendo Direct and its development was originally entrusted to Bandai namco studios of Singapore. Nintendo was not satisfied with the results achieved during the development phase and decided to restart production of the title in January 2019, entrusting it to Retro Studios, under the supervision of Kensuke Tanabe. The 4th chapter of the series is preceded by Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, published in October of 2007 su Nintendo Wii. At the bottom of the news you can see the First Look Trailer published by Nintendo, which has now reached over 60.000 Likes on YouTube (yes, the expectation for this game is very high). We just have to wish you a good vision!