After the announcement arrived a few days ago through a teaser trailer concerning Mafia Trilogy, ended today with the official reveal of the work and all the information about it, we learn after a few hours some news not disclosed in the first instance. As we know, the second and third chapter can be purchased from today in theirs Definitive Edition while the first episode, not being a remastered but rather a remake real, still needs some time. But for all those who have already bought the titles in question?
2K Games wanted to inform all the owners of the respective editions of Mafia 2 e Mafia 3 which will be able to redeem the new versions at no cost. So if you are among those who in the past have purchased one or both games on PC Steam, PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, you can directly access the new download at no additional cost. The same discourse, however, will not be applied to the remake of the first chapter.
PlayStation users are also fortunate that the newest Mafia 3 was given in August 2018 as a free title on the PlayStation Plus and therefore, in case you have redeemed the title, you can access the definitive edition immediately. All that remains is to wait the arrival of the first chapter on 28 August to be able to enjoy the entire trilogy with all kinds of graphic improvements and gameplay additions.