Little Big Planet it is certainly one of the most iconic exclusives in the world PlayStation, who was able to immediately win the hearts of many players. The platform game series developed by Media Molecule, in fact, it boasts three chapters and numerous spin-offs, including the very recent one Sackboy: A Big Adventure, released on November 12, 2020 on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. In the past few hours, however, some users have noticed a peculiarity linked to the first two chapters of the series.
As noted on the web in fact, Little Big Planet e Little Big Planet 2 were removed from PlayStation Store, without any official communication, nor from Sony, nor by Media Molecule. Looking for the two titles, available exclusively on PlayStation 3, on the PS Store it will be possible to view all the chapters and additional content related to the world of Sackboy, except for the first two chapters of the series.
As anticipated, Sony and Media Molecule have not yet commented on the removal of the two games from the PlayStation Store and we do not know if it is a simple error or something more. As hypothesized by several users, in fact, this decision could anticipate the arrival of one remastered version of the first two Little Big Planets. Obviously, the latter is just a hypothesis made by some players, which has not yet been confirmed and we do not know if it really falls within Sony's plans.
Before leaving, we remind you that Sackboy: A Big Adventure, a spin-off chapter developed by Sumo Digital and dedicated to the protagonist Sackboy, of which we invite you to read our review through the following link, is currently available on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. The third chapter of the main series, Little Big Planet 3It is also available on PlayStation 4 and Sony's next-gen console, PlayStation 5, through backwards compatibility.