Graffity, a Japanese development studio specializing in making games in Augmented Reality, announced that for his shooter Leap Trigger one will be launched Kickstarter campaign, which will start next 18 December. If all goes to plan, the game should be released in a mobile version, for iOS and Android devices, by the end of 2021.
Upon reaching the quota of dollars 7500 Graffity will introduce more heroes and more monsters into the game, with the intent of transform your home into an authentic battlefield, taking advantage of AR technology (to be clear, in Pokémon Go style). In the game you don't play the role of a digital hero, but you become the hero, physically entering the clashes, accompanied by creatures of various kinds able to fight alongside you. Leap Trigger will also use a card system and teammates will be able to take on different roles: lo Striker, Defender and Pity, each (obviously) characterized by a specific set of pros and cons.
The developers have stated that Leap Trigger will be released in Free-to-Play with the presence of in-app purchases. You can take a look at the trailer reported at the bottom of the news to get an idea of how Leap Trigger will work. Finally, by directing your browsers to the official page of the Kickstarter campaign dedicated to the title, you can activate a notification to know the exact moment in which the fundraising will have started.
If you are passionate about titles available in mobile version (and if you are here, this should be the case), we would like to point out that the mobile version of Just Cause.