As we had already promptly communicated a few days ago, a serious oversight of the organization of theE3 2019 allowed the leakage of the personal data of over 2.000 participants at the fair - both simple journalists and the most famous experts in the sector. There ESA, Short for Entertainment Software Association, is the company that every year manages the event, and just recently has returned to talk about the unpleasant matter.
As communicated on the official note sent and disclosed by GamesIndustry, the company stated the following:
“Our top priority is to regain the trust of our media partners. We are working with an external consultant and other independent experts to investigate the situation and intensify our security checks to prevent this from happening again ”.
What ESA actually risks is a serious legal repercussion, given the presence of numerous data of European citizens and also given the Privacy Act to which they respond. The fact that the company has promptly remedied the matter temporarily, and also the fact that it is not officially based in Europe, would therefore not exclude any possible rather hefty penalties.