The software house Layopi Games, best known for its latest title Devil's Hunt, it seems that he is not going through for the best, on the contrary, according to a recent report drawn up by the Polish newspaper EPP, the company seems to have definitively closed its production after numerous economic difficulties which have arisen in recent months, including in particular the poor sales of the aforementioned title.
Devil's Hunt, originally released exclusively on PC, was currently in the works for the realization of a port on the main consoles, however, the episode that was created at the development studio will block any work. Some of the employees of Layopi Games declare that they have not received the salary for many months and that the compensation of November 2019 has even been paid in three installments. Nonetheless, the development team always went to work regularly until they found the offices completely empty without receiving any notice or explanation. A very blunt and unhealthy way to lose your job.
The poor reception of the title, both at the level of critics and the public, certainly did not help the software house that hoped to increase its profit by creating a console version which unfortunately, due to the few funds available and the following closure of the company, will never be completed.