In the last few hours, the sad news of the death of Landon Montgomery, one of the co-founders of Gearbox Software. The sad announcement was made by his friend and colleague Randy Pitchford through his official Twitter profile. Landon Montgomery had left the company in 2007, while remaining strongly connected to Pitchford and the other founders with whom he shared a great string of historical successes including Half-Life, Halo, Borderlands e Brothers in Arms.
In the last few hours a message of greetings has appeared from the whole team of Gearbox who wanted to remember his contribution in various important titles and his importance in the company:
We painfully learn the sad news of the death of one of our co-founders, Landon Montgomery.
During our early years of work, Landon played a vital role in laying the foundations for our career path. We will always be grateful to him and remember him for being an important part of our lives. In this difficult time, our thoughts, support and affection go out to those closest to him.
To these words are added those of Randy Pitchford, colleague and close friend of Montgomery who wanted to remember the successes achieved together:
Landon will live on in the memories of our first games, starting with our work with Half-Life and Halo to the creation of our first original Brothers in Arms product. Farewell, Landon
Landon will live on in the memory of our earliest games from our work with Half-Life and Halo to the creation of our first, original game Brothers in Arms. Aloha, Landon. https://t.co/vuBi3MYJp5
- Randy Pitchford (@DuvalMagic) March 25, 2020