Kingdom Hearts III, (last chapter of the successful saga) was recently published on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, gaining a lot of support. Many are now wondering when the DLC will be available and to answer this question comes the director Tetsuya Nomura. In an interview with Dengeki PlayStation, Nomura revealed that Kingdom Hearts III will DLC paid and free. Among the free ones we find the Critical Mode, which will increase the level of difficulty beyond those already available within the game:
Critical mode has been a typical addition to Final Mix versions in the past, so we'll release it later. We do not want to make any mistakes with the numerical values of the damages: we continue to correct and modify. We don't want it to be just difficult, we want it to be fun and challenge players.
Nomura then spoke on the DLC issue:
We want to bring new content via DLC. As for the free DLCs, we will make available everything that is ready as it is ready, but as for the paid DLC we want to merge a lot of things and release them together, and it will take some time. However, we want to release the new content within the year and then allow the team to move on to the next game.
We therefore do not know when these will be available, precisely, but from Nomura's words we can understand that we should expect a full-bodied paid expansion, rather than many small paid packages.