There seems to be a lot of buzz in the house in the last few days N; in fact after the recent rumors that would seem to indicate an elusive remake of first The Last of Us actually in development, in the past few hours the possibility has emerged that the Californian team may be working on a new game dedicated to Jak & Daxter. During a recent chat with Ted Price of Insomniac Games, on the occasion of a panel of theAcademy of Interactive Arts & Science, Evan Wells (co-chair of Naughty Dog) clarified that the studio is not currently working on a new game in the series Jak & Daxter, although it has received several requests from fans. Here are his words:
We got a lot of inquiries. Every single day on Twitter we have received messages from our fans saying “I want a new Jak & Daxter, I want a new Jak & Daxter”. These are not simple tweets of 280 characters, but memes, works made with Photoshop and much more, which require a really significant effort and commitment every day.
I hate to tell you, but at the moment we are not working on any projects related to Jak & Daxter.
We still love the characters and we really appreciate what you [Insomniac] guys are doing with Ratchet & Clank, I really wish we did too. I would like one in development, precisely because the studio deeply loves these characters.
Looking forward to learning more about the affair, hoping that the continued demand from players to see the return of Jak & Daxter (maybe on PS5) can change Naughty Dog's plans, we point out that last week a new report of Jason Schreier would have confirmed that Sony would have temporarily discarded the idea of making a sequel to Days Gone, in favor of the remake of the first The Last of Us and a new Uncharted (entrusted to the guys of SIE Bend Studio).