In the age of video games, it has become increasingly felt the need for a return to that analog world, that world made up of memories, dice, boards and miniatures. A dimension in which all that infinite plethora of board games, cards, miniatures and role-playing games belonging to the most varied types and settings has always found space. Some of them, famous to most people, have made the history of that sector: it is useless to mention giants such as Magic The Gathering or Dungeons & Dragons, others more niche even if not having the same luck have still offered a good game, but above all good fun in full generations.
Let me introduce myself, my name is Giulio (known as Capitan Ludic) and I have been a fan of miniatures games for 20 years, in which I have ranged between the most varied titles and game systems. I will try to guide you inside this world by deepening together all the main aspects of one of the aforementioned strands, in particular the world of three-dimensional board miniature games! Each item in this series, will present new ones, differentiating them by manufacturers, type and rules, gradually exploring the main products on the market.
Before starting our journey, we must stop for a moment on the meaning of a game of miniatures by presenting its real name: wargame (literally three-dimensional tabletop wargame). Quoting from Wikipedia, we can read:
Three-dimensional wargame is a form of wargame designed to incorporate the use of miniatures into the game. The miniatures used represent troops or vehicles (such as tanks, war chariots, planes, ships, etc.). The game can reflect historical situations and armies or be futuristic or based on fantasy settings.
Already from these first words, we notice the two main elements that make up the world of Wargames: miniatures and settings. These two elements represent the core of any miniature game.
Many miniature games are played on the floor or on a table, with the terrain represented by miniature scenery elements (hills, forests, roads, etc.). In this respect, the three-dimensional wargame theoretically offers players great freedom of play, as well as a visual spectacle. The movement of the miniatures is regulated using centimeters or inches, while others have tiles and grids arranged on a game board.
The spectacle offered by these games is not limited only to the playful component, but goes beyond offering the very eyes of players and spectators a truly remarkable visual impact. In fact, one of the predominant components of this world is the 360 ° hobby that allows players to express all their playful and artistic passion. The assembly of the individual models, their modification, painting and even the preparation of the field and the scenic elements, are the basis of this world and constitute it as pillars.
Last but not least, there is the concept of rules. The games of miniatures represent an evolution of chess from which they inherit very precise rules on the movement of the various units present in the field, on their way of fighting and their behavior during and after each battle. These rules are the main part of the notions to learn if you want to take part in the clashes.
Two possible strands of which wargames can be part of this last concept of the rules arise:
- systems Skirmish, which tend to simulate "skirmishes" between contingents and targeted troops;
- systems Ranks & Files, which instead concern far more numerous armies and battalions, passing from a few targeted units to entire regiments.
After this necessary premise, we begin to introduce one of the most popular houses at the moment, the Fantasy Flight Games (FFG), American producer of board games based in Roseville, and producer of the series of wargames dedicated to the world of Star Wars, a retro sci-fi saga with fans of all ages.
Founded in 1995 by CEO Christian T. Petersen, FFG made its way into the world of board games with the release in '97 of titles such as Twilight Imperium, games that have made the history of the “Empire-Building game” model. Since the release of these very first titles, FFG has added products to products on the list, coming to hold a very strong position of authority in the world of tabletop games, producing role-playing games, cards and miniatures of enormous success. After the acquisition by the Asmodee group, FFG signed advantageous agreements with Disney to produce and distribute game titles based on a very strong setting: the saga of Star Wars, and as we can easily imagine, this advantage has been exploited with the publication of the most varied game systems.
Nationally the edition was first published by United Games, and then move on to Asmodee (formerly Asterion) following the acquisition of the American house by the French giant. Among the main titles belonging to the genre of wargames dedicated to the Star Wars setting, we can find: X-wing the Miniature Game, Armada it's atImperial jump. Among those instead equipped with a proprietary setting of the FFG we find Runewars the Miniature game. We will dedicate a special space to each of them, going to present one by one these very interesting titles, which in recent years have dominated the miniatures market both in terms of sales and organized play.
Have a good game, but most of all have fun!