want increase followers on TikTok but you don't know where to start? Then stay still because in the next few lines you will find out what secrets are hidden behind a profile with a growth trend from 150.000 followers per month.
The strategies in this guide have been updated a May 2022. If you want targeted advice regarding your profile, leave a comment at the end of the post and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Choose your sources carefully
It also applies to myself of course. The one from my modeling agency on TikTok is suaythaigirl. And if that's not enough for you on IG you can find me as morethanphuket.
THEreliability sources is important. So when before reading yet another "definitive guide" check the famous "social proof".
What to post on TikTok
I promise we will pick up on this topic later because the choice of content it's the look plus important thing. Everything else takes a back seat. In this guide, I will limit myself to highlighting a couple of basic concepts. If, on the other hand, you want to find out how TikTok works, I refer you to the link.
On the other hand don't make the opposite mistake. Or let yourself be possessed by a phenomenon of mental regression which sees thirty-year-olds behaving and behaving like teenagers.
If it's the empathy effect you're looking for, it's not addressing the TikTok users how would you do a 5 year old boy that you will reach your goal. So, leave the task of entertaining to the various Fiorellos.
Find a way original to create your content. For my agency
models here in Bangkok I have chosen a comedy-style format which at present is guaranteeing me a trend of growth on the social network of the moment, higher than 150.000 followers per month. I'm actually quite disappointed, at this point my goal was exactly double.
What time to post on TikTok
THEpublication time is another key factor. The average user is still very young and it is this aspect that I suggest you take into consideration at the beginning.
The kids are at school until at least 13pm. So it could be an interesting time starting from 14.00.
Lots of useful information that deserves an accurate study that will be addressed in a separate article.
For example, I've discovered that the best time to post is at 12. So earlier than I imagined. It's important ride the whole wave because at a certain time the kids go to bed and the video stop growing on TikTok. Obviously all this applies if you are working in a targeted way. If different time zones come into play, the situation changes.
How many videos to post on TikTok
La publication frequency it is certainly important. The making of my videos requires the involvement of at least 4 young actors. I try to publish one video a day, but I never sacrifice quality for quantity. I suggest you do the same.
If your creative vein is inexhaustible, you have a lot of time, or you've found a format that allows you to publish more videos, you could even publish 5 videos a day if you want. I tested on another profile and had no problems. TikTok will never penalize you for posting one video too many (no exaggeration, eh).
The power of interaction
The dynamics that govern the algorithms social networks are very similar. Even on TikTok interactions are very important. More likes, comments and interactions you receive after the publication of yours video, the greater the chances of go in for you on TikTok.
This guide is essential to understand how the Chinese social network works. If you haven't read it yet, I suggest you do so as soon as you finish this article.
In the first 3 hours keep an eye on the likes. They are the ones that guarantee the initial push and for this reason I consider them more important.
I know many argue the opposite, which is that the comments and even more the shares they are more important than I like it. My experience tells me otherwise. So in the description, don't hesitate to insert a call to action that invites users to leave a nice like.
But remember, each profile has its own story. It is certainly true that the TikTok algorithm is valid for everyone, but it often acts differently. So experiment and collect as much data as possible.
The fate of your video is played out in 3/4 hours. At some point you may realize that the video has stopped growing suddenly.
Some content suffers a abrupt stop and they don't crack anymore. For no apparent reason. Others, for reasons that we still struggle to interpret, after a few days (or weeks) are fished out of TikTok and they start growing again.
I've only encountered this dynamic on TikTok and it's very interesting because in fact the algorithm allows you another chance. Difficult for a video fished out by the algorithm to become super viral, but it can still give you great satisfaction.
The trendiest songs in your videos
The element music it's in the DNA of TikTok, which, not surprisingly, was initially called Musical.ly. Choose the song right match to your video is another very important factor.
The classic summer hit – okay maybe not now – might be the best choice. Of course the song must be consistent with the video content. In general, the songs of the moment are found in the foreground. Hard to go wrong.
Choosing the right music is very important even if you have decided to target your audience. For example, on my profile I try to always post very trendy Thai songs, in order to target The algorithm in TikTok to intercept the users that interest me. For this project, in fact, my goal is to generate a solid Thai fan base.
Bio and profile picture
A well-written bio probably won't do you the job increase followers on TikTok but it will certainly make your profile more professional. Explaining who you are and what you do in a concise and no-frills way will allow you to intercept potential brands.
A profile picture cured, perhaps a close-up sympathetic, is always an added value. Obviously this speech applies if we are talking about a personal profile. Otherwise your company logo will do just fine.
The description you use for your videos matters because it allows TikTok to have an extra element for select audience to show your clip to. So if your goal is get followers predominantly Italian, write in the language of Dante. Without hesitation. Try to be concise and always stimulate interaction, possibly through likes for the reasons we have seen above.
Today on TikTok la growth it is predominantly viral, the targeting work you are doing now you will begin to really appreciate when the first cycle of the social network is over and we will enter the phase of retention.
What are challenges and how to make the most of them
The challenge are one of the keys to the TikTok success and it is good to understand them better. Also in this case, I undertake to write an article exclusively dedicated to the topic.
A challenge on TikTok it is essentially a challenge. Participating users get involved by showing their imagination and creativity.
It is really important to understand this aspect because TikTok continuously stimulates the user creativity. That they are not little zombies who all do the same things as one might imagine at first glance.
Participating in the challenge is definitely advisable but not fundamental. For example, with the new format, I'm not participating in any challenge yet the profile is booming. So if you feel you have something to say in a viral challenge right now go ahead, otherwise to abstain is not a sin mortal.
Tutorial per le challenge
The tutorials work great on any platform. The ones I propose to you in this guide, however, are slightly different.
I tutorial favorites are those that explain how to create a viral challenge. For example, if you have participated in a challenge and have created viral content, you could create a video tutorial in which you explain how to accomplish the challenge of the moment perfectly.
Duets and reactions
Un duet that went viral here in Thailand he was seeing a girl replicate the ballet created by a famous Asian musical group – the BlackPink – for Samsung. This is where your artistic ambitions come into play. If you are predisposed for dancing or singing your TikTok you have something extra.
Quizzes, polls and leaderboards
As I think I have repeated a billion times, theinteraction is a key factor in triggering the virality on TikTok. For this reason, ad hoc videos can be created to try to involve users as much as possible.
Le rankings they really like them. And it is for this reason that many users exploit them in their videos. In my format it wouldn't make sense, but maybe on your profile it does. Everything must always have a logic. Remember that consistency pays off always in the long term.
Time spent on video key factor
On TikTok a key factor is the time spent on the video. To end up in "for you" and access virality, users must see the video at the end.
Of course, it's impossible to be sure that everyone completes the vision, but it's important to keep this factor in mind at all times. When making a video try to keep the interest alive.
Factors such as suspense, the surprise, the unexpected event caught the attention and users glued to the video.
For this reason, many create videos on purpose to get you to the end, perhaps referring you to a later video. I personally don't like it. And I'm pretty sure that tricks other users don't like them either.
By acting smart you could certainly show until the end all your videos. But then the calculation of likes would reject the content. I'm not sure it's a long-term rewarding strategy. Especially if repeated often.
Virality and loyalty: the two cycles of TikTok
The dynamics that are triggered on social media are always the same. When a new network appears in the limelight, its first goal is win new users. To achieve this he is willing to give away visibility in spades. And it is precisely in this phase that we find ourselves now on TikTok.
This cycle will end within 12/24 months. Today anyone can create their own place in the sun. Followers don't count a lot, everything is based on virality. For this reason a profile with a handful of followers could also get 1 million views if he gets the winning content right. It's a very democratic phase, in which almost all of us play it on equal terms (apart from the top players).
When the viral cycle ends, we'll move on to one retention stage. At that point, the base of followers that we have managed to create will be fundamental because it will be she, through the initial interactions, who will decree the success of a video on TikTok. And the beauty will then also come from a monetization point of view, but we will deal with this aspect another time.
Forget bots to increase TikTok followers
Firstly because the algorithm finds the automations easily and drastically penalizes. Secondly why it does not make sense just on a conceptual level.
TikTok makes all the organicity of this world available to you, so what's the point? Nobody. Unless your content is scandalous. In this case TikTok is not the social network for you.
Never buy followers for TikTok
There are several services they offer fake followers per TikTok. Also in this case I advise you not to let yourself be seduced by the idea of taking such an insidious shortcut. I repeat, TikTok's algorithm is very advancedor, if it pinches you you're done. The risk of closing the profile is very tangible.
Learn how to make the most of the potential of this fantastic social network and leave everything else aside. The only thing that really matters about TikTok, and here we have reached the end, are the contents. After everything you've read, you may not follow any of the advice I've given you. But if you will publish quality videos success will come no matter what.
We have really come to an end. I wanted to share with you everything I've learned about TikTok over the past few months. The article will be updated every time I discover something new related to growth on TikTok.