Apparently that IO Interactive may have closed the subject related to the series Hitman with the recent third chapter, it seems that the study has plans for DLC dedicated to the work. Hitman 3 is the third chapter of the denominated World of Assassination trilogy is proving to be a huge success for the IO Interactive team, which now after years will devote itself to other properties, such as the project dedicated to James Bond (which could become a trilogy). However, by the time the team is determined to turn the pages and distance themselves from the iconic killer, that doesn't mean they're completing and leaving Hitman behind. In this sense, today the team confirmed in an interview with The Gamer that a DLC dedicated to Hitman 3 is in development. The executive producer Forest Swartout Large he said the team is "continuously working on Hitman" and that they are always following the evolution of the series. Here are his words on the matter:
We will definitely be making some downloadable content, but we haven't defined what it will be. I think for now we are not looking at new maps like the bank and the island. We are more trying to use existing places and reimagine them, distorting them. And this time, we can use the entire trilogy. We can look back at the 2016 Hitman and Hitman 2 maps.
The team was known to be hiring staff to help in the development of the James Bond game, and this expansion of the team testifies to the fact that both this new project appears to be ambitious, and that part of the studio will still be working on the Hitman series in some other form. (such as the DLC for example). Obviously we do not know when one of these DLCs will actually be released and when they will be produced, and in this sense we will update you if new information should arrive about it.
Hitman 3 is available from 20st January for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, Windows PC (exclusively on the Epic Games Store), Nintendo Switch and Google Stadia. You can read our review dedicated to the work via the following link.