Do you need a vacation? And maybe some cotton candy? There Madness to the Darkmoon Faire is what it is for you! Blizzard has in fact just announced the new expansion of Hearthstone, which will take players to the greatest magical fair of Azeroth, with a host of new content, game mechanics and heroes to be discovered. The brand new presentation trailer for the expansion, just released on YouTube, it shows us some of the cards that we can play, such as Guess the weight e Silas Darkmoon.
Since 17st November, the Old Gods, eternal beings with terrifying powers who once ruled Azeroth, have chosen the Darkmoon Faire for their return, and will tempt players with brand new 135 cards contaminated by their corruption. This new expansion will bring to the mind of the players the previous one Whispers of the Old Gods, released in 2016. Iconic Legendary minions such as C'thun e Yogg-Saron will return allowing players to tap into extraordinary powers that can change the course of a fight. J. Allen Brack, president of Blizzard Entertainment, said:
This is a big time for Hearthstone, with the Madness at Darkmoon Faire expansion, the all-new Duels game mode, and a complete redesign of the game's progression system. Hearthstone continues to evolve and grow, and our focus is on continuing to provide a fun and deep gaming experience. We are convinced that players will lose their minds with all this new content.
Among the new contents we will then see a totally free game mode, i Hearthstone duels, a mode that combines the thrill of competition PvP dell 'Sand the unpredictability of the deck composition typical of solo adventures. Just like in the Arena, players will face other real-life opponents with thegoal to reach 12 wins before accumulating three losses, but in Duels they will start with custom decks straight from their own collection. Players will be able to try the Heroic version Hearthstone Duels for rewards, including in-game gold, cards, booster packs, and Arcane Dust. The Heroic version of Duels can be accessed by paying 150 gold, or by purchasing an Inn Ticket for € 1,99.
The theme chosen for the first season is Magic duels. Hearthstone Duels will evolve with each new season, with new card groups updated from the massive Hearthstone catalog, Heroes, Hero Powers and Distinctive Treasures. Players who pre-purchase a Madness pack at the Darkmoon Faire will also receive early access to the new Dueling mode from October 22 to November 11. All Hearthstone players will be able to try the new game mode starting November 12, while the official release of the Duels beta and the start of Season 1 are currently scheduled for November 17th. The 12st November, Hearthstone will therefore undergo the biggest update of its systems. Among the main changes, we highlight a new business system, who will keep track of the statistics and results obtained in the game; the Rewards Path, which will allow players to obtain in-game gold, card packs, cosmetic items and much more, with additional rewards for those who purchase an Inn Pass; a redesigned mission system, which will add some weekly missions remarkable and satisfying to the normal rotation of the daily missions.
Recall that players will be able to take a look at their progress in all these systems through the new Profile page. Il Madness Mega Pack at the Darkmoon Faire è available today for € 79,99 and includes 85 card packs from the expansion, 5 of which are Gold booster packs (containing only Gold cards), plus a random Golden Legendary card; the hero Sorcerer N'Zoth; the back of the N'Zoth cards; the Extras of Hearthstone Battle that last until the next expansion; early access to Hearthstone's Duels mode. In addition, the Madness Pack at the Darkmoon Faire priced at € 39,99, which includes 45 expansion card packs, a random Legendary card, N'Zoth card back, and early access to Hearthstone duels.