In the past few hours, on the profile Twitter di Qilin0345 interesting news regarding the new would have emerged Halo Infinite di 343 Industries. As reported by the user, the first person shooter starring the famous John 117, or better known as Master Chief, a new game build has recently been completed, which not only significantly improved the graphics performance of the game, but also introduced new features. We report in detail the words of Qilin0345:
According to the information available on the official website of the game, the new project of the American software house will support the Xbox Series X resolution up to 4K at 60 FPS, in the Campaign mode, and significantly reduced loading times. We remind you that Halo Infinite, following the recent postponement communicated in recent months by 343 Industries, is expected to debut on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, PC, and the Xbox Game Pass service in 2021. If you missed the much criticized video gameplay, shown on the occasion of theXbox Games Showcas last July 23, you can easily retrieve it by consulting the following link. In addition, Best Buy has recently unveiled the Collector's Edition of Halo Infinite on its website, containing a physical copy of the game, a celebratory Steelbook and a PVC statue of Master Chief made by Dark Horse Comics.
New Halo Infinite build is up. Looking amazing, new features added in early stages. This game is going to change everything when it's out
- Qilin (@ qilin0345) September 20, 2020