Some more attentive fans may have revealed new details about the next chapter in the most beloved saga of Rockstar Games, Grand Theft Auto 6. This time, the news on the title comes from an easter egg. In particular, the announcement of the Vetir, the new vehicle recently introduced by Rockstar games in GTA Online. According to rumors, the Vetir inscription seems to be decomposable into the following inscription: "VI: 7-11 ″ referable to an alleged date of presentation of the game. In Spain, the date could be 7 November, while in America being the numbers reversed it would turn out to be the 11 July.
At the moment, this is just a fan guess. We do not know, in fact, if it is a simple easter egg, or whether there is actually a veiled reference to the plausible date of presentation of the security wanted by the software house. Many rumors are in fact following one another in the last period regarding Grand Theft Auto 6. In particular, there has been much discussion about its possible new setting. Recently, the possibility has spread on the web that the new GTA, which has been in the works for quite some time, could be divided into chapters, as happened for Read Dead Redemption 2, And that part of its story could be set during the 70s. As for the setting, however, despite the many past speculations that saw the new GTA set in South America, the latest rumors seem to indicate with surprising conviction that it will be Florida, in particular with Miami to act as the main background, together with new locations still unknown.
Unfortunately, we do not have any further information at the moment. In fact, Rockstar has not yet released any official statement, and we can not help but cling to every little detail to reconstruct a plausible general picture on Grand Theft Auto 6. We therefore just have to wait, and hope that some of these rumors may have, in the end, a grain of truth.