Updates of Google to the virtual device store Android they do not come with a particular frequency and, more often than not, the Google Play Store over the years it brings design elements belonging to obsolete versions of the operating system with the green robot. One of them is the so-called Navigation Drawer, that is the side scrolling menu (from left to right) that has distinguished the Google Play Store for some time now and that, on a graphic and functional level, was now outdated. We have used the verb in the past tense because, in the last few hours, Google has begun to gradually make a new version of the store available to all its users with important innovations at the level of UI.
The version 24.7.20-21 of the Google Play Store brings in fact a dowry new menu to be activated by clicking on the icon of our Google profile, which is now present in the search bar located at the top. This new floating layout retains the same submenus as before, with some minor differences from the past. There library replaced the category position Wishlist while the sections relating to payments and subscriptions have now been merged into a single item.
Furthermore, by opening the new window just mentioned, it will be possible to easily manage all the other accounts connected to the Android device, simply by choosing them from the menu that will be located next to the main profile icon. Finally, the application settings have finally been rearranged within macro-categories, in order to remove the very extensive and decidedly impractical previous list.
The Mountain View company started the roll-out of the new version of the Google Play Store for only a few hours and for this reason you may not have received the update yet. Since it is a spread server side, it is only necessary to arm yourself with a little patience in order to then be able to have the small but important innovations introduced, with a little delay, by Google.