La Gamescom 2020 it has been officially canceled, following the extension of the ban on public demonstrations in Germany until 31 August. The very famous fair of Colonia, should have taken place from 25 to 29 August, a few days after the new end date of the ban. The organizing body of the event, Cologne Fair, has not yet issued any statements regarding the cancellation of the fair, but we expect your intervention in the next few hours.
To report the news of the cancellation of Gamescom 2020 is GamesWirtschaft, a German agency that mainly deals with market analysis of the videogame industry. As it was reported a few weeks ago, the event will still be held on the established dates, but will take place only and exclusively online courses via direct streaming.
BREAKING NEWS # Bundesregierung und Ministerpräsidenten verlängern Verbot von # Großveranstaltungen bis einschließlich 31. August 2020. Mehr gleich bei GamesWirtschaft… # Covid19de #CoronaVirusDE pic.twitter.com/kd3sukEPTs
- GamesWirtschaft (@gameswirtschaft) April 15, 2020