New month upon us and as usual new games made free da Microsoft products for subscribers to the service Xbox Live Gold. In fact, next month, all subscribers to the service who own a Xbox One they will be able to download for free during the 31 days four new titles including: Styx: Shards of Darkness e Batman: The Telltale Series.
For those who own the old one Xbox 360 it will be possible to download the fighting game Tekken 6 and the title of the famous colored bricks LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (both titles can also be played on Xbox One thanks to backward compatibility).
Below we release the dates in which it will be possible to download and insert them in your account:
- Batman: The Telltale Series: Available January 16 to February 15 on Xbox One
- Styx: Shards of Darkness: Available January 1 - 31 on Xbox One
- LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy: Available January 16 - 31 on Xbox One and Xbox 360
- Tekken 6: Available January 1-15 on Xbox One and Xbox 360