As we all know, the last panel of the Tokyo Game Show 2020 di Square Enix, in which Yoshida (Japanese video game director and designer who works for the aforementioned company) was also present on Final Fantasy XVI, went on the air in these last moments. Obviously, the most common question asked by fans before the event started was whether the man would talk about the game itself, and apparently it did. In the past few hours, in fact, the same Naoki Yoshida he addressed all those who say "see you in 2035!", Referring to the date of issue of the same title:
We are focusing on development right now. At the end of October we will open an FF16 teaser site with information on characters and the world, and the next big information will be in 2021. The graphics are not final but they were in real time, while the optimization of the graphics is not yet final, we have seen the Americans say "see you in 2035", but we really wanted to show a real trailer and not a cute teaser that didn't show anything. #FFXVI
From this comment, in which he responded to a provocation in particular from the public, more than one logically started.indiscretion: it is thought that, given his words thanks to which we discovered the arrival of a teaser site of Final Fantasy XVI directly next month, we will be able to touch the game on our screens starting from 2022, but obviously these are only hypotheses not confirmed in any way by those in charge. In the last period, too Schreier he expressed himself on the matter: according to him, in fact, Final Fantasy XVI will arrive much earlier than we think!