Square Enix has recently released, on profile Twitter dedicated to Final Fantasy VII Remake, a full-bodied statement in which he stated that the title will not be delayed regarding the distribution of copies in physical format. The Japanese company has announced that at the moment the intended editions have started toEurope andAustralia, hoping these will arrive in time for the game's launch. Furthermore, Square Enix itself is aware of the risk that some users may receive the title sooner than expected.
Regarding the copies of Final Fantasy VII Remake destined for other markets, such as the American one, will be shipped within this week, in order to arrive in time for the official release date of the game.
An important message from the #FinalFantasy VII Remake development team. # FF7R pic.twitter.com/UwBMNaIaXX
- FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE (@finalfantasyvii) March 30, 2020