According to what has been learned from the web, the guide of Final Fantasy VII Remake Ultimania is already available in Japan, containing also some fragments of the interviews with the developers, including a Yoshinori Kitase e Tetsuya Nomura, which were published online and promptly translated and reported by Gematsu. Here are the words of Kitase and Nomura:
Kitase: Hamaguchi told me he wanted to fight the final boss of Midgar. I can no longer answer since we have not finished telling the story. The last scene, in which a certain character remains alive, is a key moment in the mystery of the game.
[As to how many parts there will be…] At the moment we only have a rough idea, but we haven't made a decision about it yet. It is not something we can say definitively. Many speculate that it will be a trilogy.
Tetsuya Nomura: [What will the next part be like?] It depends on how many parts there will be. If we decide to divide it into larger parts, it will surely take some time, obviously it will take less time if we decide to divide it into smaller parts. Personally I would like to release it as soon as possible.
Finally, although it is not related to the Final Fantasy VII Remake Ultimania, the producer of the title Yoshinori Kitase recently gave an interview to the weekly Entertainment where he confirmed that the development team is already working on the next episode of Final Fantasy VII, news later confirmed by Tetsuya Nomura himself. If you want to know more about Square Enix's latest effort, you can consult ours from the following link review.
野村 氏 「(次 回 作 は?) 何 部 作 か に よ る。 大 き く 分 け れ ば 時間 が 掛 か り 、 細 か く 分 け れ ば 短 い ス パ ン に。 自 し に。 自 分 し し に。 し し し し し し し し し し し
- aibo (@ aibo_ac7) April 28, 2020