Released a few months ago only on PC e PlayStation 4, Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout is confirming itself in this period as one of the most popular games for lovers of battle royale, thanks to its new formula that makes it different from other sacred monsters of the genre such as, for example, Fortnite. In fact, in Fall Guys we will have to compete with 60 other players in different scenarios that reflect the challenges they have consecrated. Takeshi's castle as one of the cult TV shows. As we progress through levels full of obstacles and trying to overtake other players (and not get overrun), we will have to go all the way and try to cross the finish line first. After announcing the arrival of the 2 season, Mediatonic has announced through his Twitter account that, starting today, it will be possible to buy one exclusive skin dedicated to the acclaimed indie game My Friend Pedro, developed by Deadtoast Entertainment and published by Devolver Digital.
For those unfamiliar with it, My Friend Pedro is a shooter title released on Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 in which our protagonist will have to complete the tasks assigned by one sentient banana, precisely called Pedro. The levels, all different and well characterized, have decreed the success of the game thanks to the definitely arcade mold of the control system and the frenzy and hilarity that characterizes the story. All those who are currently having fun with Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout and have appreciated My Friend Pedro will therefore be happy to be able to get their hands on this particular skin, the result of the collaboration between the two software houses. Considering that in the past several skins dedicated to other games have already been created, at this point we can assume that the Mediatonic title will in the future be able to count on new customization options made in partnership with other gaming companies and other franchises.
My Friend Pedro in the store today.
Get your crowns out.
~ BeanBot pic.twitter.com/gTI3ZqIyT8
- Fall Guys ? Season 4 ? (@FallGuysGame) September 6, 2020