One of the latest video games inherent in the saga of Saiyan, vale a dire Dragonball Xenoverse 2, may in the future also be released on next-gen consoles such as PlayStation 5 e Xbox Series X. The title obtained excellent feedback from critics and was also able to place a considerable number of copies: as many as six million in physical and digital format distributed on PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox One e Nintendo Switch.
Through the new issue of "V-Jump”, A Japanese magazine dedicated to the gaming world, we learned of the new DLC which will be called "Chronoa", But that is not all. According to a user of ResetERA, the original and complete article of the magazine also spoke of a future landing on next generation consoles. Obviously for now it remains a simple rumor, since almost all European newspapers have omitted this detail which could mean a simple translation error by the user.
In all honesty, since this is not exactly a new title (Dragon Ball FighterZ and Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot would have much more chanche) and part of a "series", the only real reason that could lead it to a revisitation on future consoles would be that of a third episode of the saga. All that remains is to wait and find out if Dragon Ball Xenoverse will be back on the shelves again. To rediscover our review click here.