Death Stranding, award-winning videogame work developed by Kojima Productions, it would be coming back with an extended version available for both old gen and current gen. At least, this is what the Navtra insider claims, according to which an extended version, therefore full of new content, would be ready and available and would be announced today or, at the latest, within one month. It is not the first time that Navtra discloses confidential information and often, in the past, its predictions turned out to be correct. Obviously, no confirmations have arrived from the manufacturer, nor from Sony, consequently, these words must absolutely be taken with pliers.
In any case, the rumors that they would like the return of Death Stranding in the extended version for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 I'm certainly not new. After all, after the great success in terms of sales and criticism, of the title written and directed by Hideo Kojima nothing more was known and with the imminent - at the time of the facts - release of the new Sony console, everyone expected a return of the masterpiece, and not only thanks to the backward compatibility of PlayStation 5. If what Navtra says turns out to be true, the title would return in an extended version, so with new contents it's a better graphics.
The announcement, as mentioned, could even arrive today or, at most, within a month. So let's stay tuned and wait news especially from the developer house. In the meantime, considering that since the launch of the title they are almost gone two years, a little refresher would do well. So, if you already own a copy of the game, you already know what to do: go back to playing the role of Sam Porter Bridges. In case you haven't been lucky enough to try the one it is for all intents and purposes a videogame work, run to read our review (you can find it here). Furthermore, the eventual arrival of an extended version would be an excellent opportunity to recover one of the most awarded titles in history.