The last effort of Hideo Kojima has literally charmed you, and are you trying to find a faithful reproduction of the Bridge Baby and the Qpid on the web? Well, soon your wish will come true. According to what emerged from a recent tweet by Kojima Production, by the end of March it will be possible to buy on Hmatoys not only the Qpid, the iconic metal pendant worn throughout the adventure by Sam Porter Bridges in Death Stranding, but also a miniature figure of the Bridge Baby, or better known by opera fans as BB.
According to the information reported on the official website, the mini figures it will be large approx 50 mm and presents gods details reproduced with extreme precision, thanks to the use of 3D data. Find the images at the bottom of the article. The price is about 500 yen (about € 3,89), while the cost ofBOX edition is around 550 yen (4,28 euros), and includes 8 pieces inside. For those interested in buying, we would like to point out that the site has officially opened pre-orders, so you don't have to wait until the end of March to grab these beautiful gadgets. Waiting to find out when the new gadgets dedicated to the latest effort of Hideo Kojima, we remind you that Death Stranding is already available for purchase on PlayStation 4 and PC (Steam). To find out more, at the following link you can consult ours review complete.
This is a sample of the BBPOD mascot and the Qpid metal pendant, which are new products for capsule toys that are expected to be released in late March.
The BOX version is now available for pre-orders. They are very much appreciated!
3 月 下旬 に 発 売 予 定 の カ プ セ ル ト イ (ガ チ ャ ガ チ ャ) 向 け の 新 商品 、 BBPOD フ ィ ギ ュ ア マ ス コ ッ ト と Qpid メ タ ル チ す の。 ル タ で チ す。
BOX 版 は 大 好評 予 約 受 付 中 で す!
商品 情報 & 取 扱 店舗 な ど の 詳細 は こ ち ら よ り。 ↓ https: //t.co/yVto3amTpa#DeathStranding# デ ス ス ト pic.twitter.com/tYJ1SxFKSt
- KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS (@ KojiPro2015) March 1, 2021