Big news coming for Dead by Daylight, the survival horror video game developed by Behavior Interactive which announced today the arrival of a new paid DLC dedicated to the famous horror saga of Konami, Silent Hill. The DLC, which was announced via a teaser trailer, will offer users the chance to play in the Silent Hill settings, using some of the saga's iconic characters. The new story will take place in the Midwich Elementary School, setting that those who have played the first chapter of the series will surely recognize, and among the survivors we can find a new character, Cheryl Mason, the protagonist of Silent Hill 3. But what immediately caught the attention of the players was the entry of Pyramid head in the already vast killer roaster that Dead by Daylight offers players.
Pyramid head he is able to use particular skills, using his iconic and immense weapon to dig ditches in the ground and attacking players from a distance. The new content is available immediately in the public test build of Steam, but will be released on PC and consoles next June 16 in a definitive way, and could be a great way for fans to pass the wait, while the entire community continues to ask for information about a new chapter of the famous saga Konami.