cyberpunk 2077 is now available in stores around the world but, unfortunately, the work of CD Project Red failed to fully meet the expectations of the public. In fact, as the company admitted in its social accounts, this is immense triple A presents optimization problems perhaps due to some factors such as the current health situation or the developers' own ambition. Fortunately, there are some little tricks to be able to experience a better experience even console users, as we highlight in the following article. Unfortunately, do not expect to see the various bug, glitch or crash situations currently existing, but we hope that these issues will be corrected in future updates already promised by the European company.
To begin with, there is a small operation that decreases loading times of the work, at least as regards the product on PlayStation 5. When an HHD is connected to Sony's fifth generation videogame, the PlayStation 4 version games are automatically installed within this support, and this is also true in the case of Cyberpunk 2077. Due to this operation, the platform fails to fully exploit its SSD and, consequently, waiting times are lengthened. Our advice is to move the product in question within the internal memory, so that you have to wait as little as possible in your gaming sessions.
One way to improve optimization in any console version of Cyberpunk 2077 is linked, instead, to the graphic filters. Within the options menu is can disable some visual effects or the Film grain, Chromatic aberration, Depth of field, Lens Flare and Motion blur. Our advice, as it is easy to guess, is to take advantage of this possibility and eliminate them, in this way the visual performance worsens but there are improvements in gameplay performance. Finally, users found out a bug that allows stabilize the FPS in their travels in the mysterious and fascinating Night City. As explained in the video at the following link, if the player shoots a bullet at the wall and turns their character 180 degrees for about two or three times, the NPCs in their action area they disappear completely. With this simple and painless operation, the frame rate improves, providing a better user experience.
Have you heard of CD Projekt Red's latest message yet? The company has clarified the status of Cyberpunk 2077, giving users the option to ask a refund due to various problems. At the following link you can find the article where we have deepened the question.