cyberpunk 2077, the long-awaited title developed by the guys from CD Projekt RED, continues to be one of the most anticipated end-of-generation video games (and if desired, also the launch of the new generation). Every day new details come out that give more and more shape to the branded work CD Projekt RED. The last aspect of gameplay that has been analyzed in these hours is that related to the competence in the use of weapons.
In fact, in Cyberpunk 2077 we will be able to level up our skills in weapons to the point where it will seem like "we are using an aimbot", as revealed Michał Dobrowolski di CD Project Red in a new interview with Edge Magazine. Dobrowolski then revealed that there will be proficiency systems in the game's weapons, which means that the more we use a weapon the greater our character's ability to use it in combat. When Dobrowolski mentions the aimbot, refers to in-game aids that automatically set a player's aim at an opponent.
CD Project Red, manufacturer of the game in question, recently confirmed the second appointment of Night City Wire. The appointment, scheduled for 10th August, was announced on the official Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter profile and reveals the themes that will be addressed during the event. The new details will concern thelarge arsenal of weapons provided, the different paths generated by the player's choices and transformation of Refused into Samurai.
As you will know by now, the title has undergone a new postponement of the release date. Initially scheduled for 16th April, Cyberpunk 2077 had been postponed to September 17th, but for the second time we were faced with a new release date: that is November 19 2020.
We also remind all our readers that Cyberpunk 2077 will be launched for PlayStation 4, Xbox One e PC, as mentioned above, the next one 19st November, and will come up later Google Stadia during the course of the year. The versions PlayStation 5 e Xbox Series X instead they will be released in 2021.