In the past few hours we have reported that the team of CD Projekt RED had released an update that aimed to improve the performance of cyberpunk 2077 on PlayStation 5 and PS4, but after a few hours spent in Nighty City, it would seem that patch 1.04 has relatively solved the problems of the much discussed action RPG of the Polish software house. According to what has emerged in the last few hours, the update would have improved graphics rendering of the title on console and increased the amount of traffic, making the various districts of the metropolis of dreams more alive, but many of the criticalities that would make Cyberpunk 2077 unplayable continue to persist.
Several users are reporting on the main gaming-themed forums that the title continues to present major drops in frame rate (especially on PS4) and it would seem that patch 1.04 could not even correct the problem related to the continuous crashes of the game. Although the update released in the past few hours has managed to put a patch on the graphic rendering and on many of the criticalities reported by users, such as the graphic phenomena of pop-in, the missing animations of the NPCs and the transition from the first perspective has been speeded up person to third person perspective in a vehicle, it would seem that the road for CD Projekt RED to make their latest project at least "decent" on consoles is still a long way off. At the following link you can consult the complete changelog.
While waiting to be able to personally test the improvements introduced with the new corrective patch, we remind you that cyberpunk 2077 is already available for purchase on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Google Stadia. The action RPG of CD Projekt RED it can also be comfortably played on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X / S, thanks to the backwards compatibility of the consoles, but this is not a real next-gen version, as the development team has made it clear that the update will be released soon. , during 2021.