cyberpunk 2077 has already recovered the development costs and made a real profit for CD Projekt RED, but its long-term earnings trends still remain a question mark. Title has been removed from PlayStation Store three months ago and we have not yet been given an expected date for his return. Furthermore, Cyberpunk 2077's Steam player base has experienced a significant decline, which is the opposite of what happened on the platform with the other major work of the Polish company. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Now, the research and analysis company M Science has teamed up with numerous other analysts to report that the game's long-term sales projections look bleak. Recently, the analyst Corey Barret sent his predictions to The Gamer via email:
We found a significant deceleration in the pace of Cyberpunk 2077's digital unit sales in our data. We believe the company could sell up to 500.000 digital units in the March quarter. This is based on the magnitude of the deceleration we observed, taking into consideration some comments the company made on initial post-launch sales.
Barrett acknowledged that Cyberpunk 2077's PSN delisting plays an important role in this case. However, “total sales also seem to drop on other platforms where the title has not been removed from the store. Comparing the stats of Cyberpunk 2077 to those of other blockbusters, Barrett noted that the natural decline of sales in terms of new digital units is much higher for the CD Projekt RED title than, for example, for Assassin's Creed Valhalla. That said, the man thinks CD Projekt RED can change that by releasing Cyberpunk 2077 on PlayStation 5 e Xbox Series X and aiming to expand its adoption on new platforms. In addition, the developers are doing everything possible to solve the various problems in the game that have prompted many users to avoid the purchase: soon a new patch will be released that should further optimize and improve the game.