cyberpunk 2077 will receive another update patch, its Xbox Series X. One of the developers said that most of the bugs will be fixed with this patch, available on day one. As we have already announced, Cyberpunk 2077 had already received a pre-launch update on PlayStation 4 e Xbox One. One of the developers of CD Project Red, Fabian Mario Döhla, however, had hinted that this was not the Day One patch, but simply another update released near launch.
They are not - a bunch of issues reviewers encountered (and reported) have been fixed already, some more are part of the update.
- Fabian Mario Döhla (@fabiandoehla) December 7, 2020
Today we can confirm that Xbox Series X has received a patch that updates the game from version to version There doesn't seem to be a similar update on PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5, but it is possible that these consoles will also get the Cyberpunk 2077 update in the next few days. The title is currently in pre-download on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One for anyone who pre-ordered it digitally. We are unsure of the extent of the bug fixes as there are no patch notes available for this new update for Cyberpunk 2077, but according to tweets from Fabian Mario Döhla, most of the bugs that beta testers encountered while playing were fixed by CD Projekt Red in their first update. However, to be sure of the quality of these fixes we will have to wait until we actually have the game in our hands.
Most critics who have reviewed the game so far have only played it on PC. There have been no official reviews yet for the console versions of the title. So we just have to wait until the next 10 December to see directly if the quality of the title remains unchanged even on consoles, and above all to see what is the degree of qualitative difference between the old generation versions and the new ones, which according to the developers have been optimized significantly more carefully.