cyberpunk 2077 was released yesterday, December 10, on PlayStation 4, Xbox One PC Windows and Google Stadia. On the old generation consoles, in the respective basic versions (PlayStation 4 fat and Xbox One) the title presents, as we now know, several rather serious problems (enough to cause a loss in the valuation of the company's shares on the stock exchange). In the PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox One X versions they are much better, while the absolute best experience, in the console field, is guaranteed by the versions started in backwards compatibility mode on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, Sony's next-generation consoles. and Microsoft. On the two consoles just mentioned and on PC, the title is not, however, exempt from a fair number of both graphic and technical problems, errors to which CD Projekt RED is starting to remedy.
The patch that updates Cyberpunk 2077 to version 1.04, available for download on every platform right now, should reduce (among other things) the graphic phenomena of pop-in and improve the general stability of the title, whose crash phenomena should finally vanish (or at least significantly reduce). In addition, the patch will modify the flashing effect on the brains, in order to reduce the possibility of inducing epileptic symptoms in the most sensitive individuals. They have been made corrections also to the soundtrack, where it is now possible to disable the copyrighted music to facilitate streaming of the title on Twitch and other similar platforms. Furthermore, the transition from first-person to third-person perspective when entering a vehicle has been accelerated, and some problems regarding missing animations of some NPCs during the performance of certain missions should have been resolved. Patch 1.04 dedicated to Cyberpunk 2077 Unfortunately, it does not yet introduce support for Ray Tracing technology on AMD GPUs. Users will therefore have to wait a little longer to take advantage of this splendid feature in the new Triple A by CD Projekt RED.
Below, the complete changelog of patch 1.04 by Cyberpunk 2077:
- Fixed an issue with completing the final objective in Gig: Freedom of the Press.
- Fixed an issue with starting a conversation with Johnny at the end in Life During War.
- Fixed a rare issue with NPCs no longer calling V if the A Like Supreme mission was abandoned halfway.
- Fixed an issue where Nix did not enter its default state in Spellbound and KOLD MIRAGE.
- Fixed issues that blocked progress in I Fought The Law if the mission area was left.
- Also fixed the inability to find Delamain in Epistrophy.
- Fixed issues with staying in the second phase of the mission after finishing Pacifica's fight with Ozob when played after the finals.
- Fixed an issue with Nomads no longer present if V left the search area during combat with a little help from my friends / Highway Queen.
- Changed mappings and mission monitoring reactivated in M'ap Tann Pèlen / I Walk the Line / Transmission.
- Fixed constraints on the freedom to get up and sit down if none of the blueline conditions are met in Violence.
- Fixed issues with time and space resulting from leaving the research area or leaving the mission in Following the River.
- Also fixed an issue with conversation with Johnny not starting after leaving the hotel in Tapeworm.
- Fixed an issue where the mission was blocked when leaving the mission area before climbing the hill in Following the River.
- Fixed the “Go to Booth 9” achievement not completing if the room entered too fast in Automatic Love.
- Also fixed Jackie's issues with standing still in The Ripperdoc.
- Other fixes for missions
- Fixed issue with preview in weapon creation.
Visual effects
- Reduced pop-in of vehicle appearance.
- Accelerated the transition from first person perspective to third person perspective in a vehicle.
- Fixed missing animations from NPCs on important missions during cutscenes.
Performance and stability
- Improved stability, including various crash fixes.
- Modified the flashing effect on brains to reduce the risk of inducing epileptic symptoms. The effect has been softened and the flashes reduced in frequency and intensity.
- Removed copyrighted songs that were incorrectly present in the game with the “Disable Copyrighted Music” feature enabled.
Specific for PC
- If you change the default language in the game settings, it is now correctly set to the language of the Steam client.
Before saying goodbye, we invite you to take a look at this our special, dedicated to the performance of Cyberpunk 2077 on the various Sony platforms. Furthermore, here you can find the complete Guide to all Tarot cards present in the game, to start the adventure in the best way! We remind you that the new generation version of Cyberpunk 2077, dedicated specifically to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X / S will be published in the course of 2021.