cyberpunk 2077 it will be the last great title of this generation of consoles. The immense world conceived by CD Projeckt Red, however, will not end with its next release 10th December. Its multiplayer mode, in fact, will arrive next year in a decidedly enlarged form, so much so that the developers have stated that it will be almost as vast as a title in its own right. Adam Kicinski, the CEO of the company, has in fact stated that calling it multiplayer mode will be simply an understatement.
Cyberpunk 2077 multiplayer will be more than just a mode. First of all, we don't call it mode. This is a separate production, a big production, we see it as a standalone title.
CD Projekt RED is not talking much about it also because it wants to keep absolute concentration on the main game and its single player component for the moment, but according to what Kicinski said, more precise news on Cyberpunk 2077 multiplayer will arrive in the first quarter of 2021. At the moment we only know that it will be a rather large component of the title and that it will most likely be made free for those who own the main game. Furthermore, it seems there will also be micro-transactions in game. In this regard, the developers have recently stated that these "will make users happy to spend money", a statement that has caused a lot of discussion. Kacinski went on to say that although the CD Projekt RED team has been working on the multiplayer mode, they held back from revealing any news about it to focus on the main game, which we know will arrive in the hands of gamers, after several postponements, the next. 10 December.
So we just have to wait a few more days to get our hands on this immense production. We are now used to the quality of CD Projekt Red's games, especially after the excellent trilogy of The Witcher, which has also become a TV series for Netflix which will soon receive a second season.