Now very little is missing November 19, 2020, the day when the long-awaited will finally be released in digital stores and stores cyberpunk 2077. Keanu Reeves, who will lend his face to one of the protagonists of the game, Johnny Silverhand, after a first commercial a few days ago he returned to star in a second promotional video of the next title of the boys of CD Project Red, Entitled "No limits". In this new commercial, Keanu warns players that their potential is limited only by what they want to become.
The trailer shows a quick glimpse of the fascinating Night City, while its citizens complain about "cyber upgrades" and whiz around in futuristic cars. Reeves' words, of course, also have a hidden meaning, as they not only speak of the physical improvements present in the game, but also the limits of the player's own morality. As in many other role-playing games by CD Projekt Red, in fact, the protagonist will be able to perform drastically different choices in the course of your adventure, thus becoming a positive or negative character within the game world. The phrase uttered by the actor in the commercial, "if you can hack it, the future is yours", is certainly in line with the character of Johnny Silverhand, partner of the mysterious protagonist of the title, and rock legend with his musical group of Samurai, before their breakup in 2008. A certainly interesting role that could please fans of the actor, the franchise and the gaming world in general.
Cyberpunk 2077 is currently expected on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PCwhile on Google Stadia will arrive at an unspecified time in the fourth quarter of 2020. We currently don't know the release date for the versions PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S of the title, but the company has reassured that it will launch these new editions by the end of 2021, with a free upgrade for owners of Cyberpunk 2077 on current consoles of Sony e Microsoft products.