After spending more than 12 hours testing the skills of cyberpunk 2077 on the different home platforms Sony available, the guys from PushSquare have published the report of their experiences with the new title of the well-known Polish software house CD Project Red, in order to prepare the audience for how the game will turn on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4 Pro and PlayStation 5 (thanks to backwards compatibility). In fact, since its official announcement, many players have been worried about the performance of the title on the different platforms, especially considering that the version created specifically for the next-gen will be released only later, in the course of the 2021.
Despite this, it's hardly surprising that Cyberpunk 2077 works best on PlayStation 5, presenting the audience with the smoothest possible performance that can be achieved with a Sony system, delivering around 60 frames per second at what appears to be a slightly better resolution than 1080p, but which is certainly not 4K at the moment. Even if for now you don't have access to the version created to make the most of the graphics potential of PlayStation 5 and the title looks like it automatically prefer the performance mode without giving any choice to the players, the overall gaming experience results smooth and free of frame drops. Only in some particularly crowded environments and in the midst of some very crowded fights does the console seem to suffer, but not enough to negatively affect the gaming experience.
According to their statements, Cyberpunk 2077 works well on the PlayStation 5 but at the moment it is clearly a game made for the PlayStation 4. Everything has a slight blur that in the long run can annoy the players and, at the same time, graphically. the title doesn't surprise every time it should. It may seem very impressive at certain certain times of the day, such as when the neon lights begin to flash at sunset, but overall Night City would still seem very much linked to the last-gen, especially if you don't have HDR enabled. The only negative note seems to be that relating to the number of NPCs available within Night City, with secondary roads that, very often, they are almost completely empty. Cyberpunk 2077 on PlayStation 5 seems to keep all the promises made to players during these long months of waiting, with extremely short loading times, which never take more than 10-15 seconds. The new generation console from Sony seems to be the best platform to fully enjoy the title, even if at the moment it still seems to suffer a lot from the lack of a version designed specifically for it.
For PlayStation 4 Pro, it seems gamers won't have to worry too much about how the game works on their console. The title seems to work quite well on Sony's updated last-gen machine, offering a mostly stable framerate. However, the framerate is locked at 30fps and there is no "performance" mode. But, even in this case, the title seems to offer a gaming experience without too many drastic drops, if not in some particularly busy areas of the game map. Up PlayStation 4Instead, the title seems to suffer from many of a few heavy frame drops, which could happen at any moment even in not particularly crowded areas of the map. At the same time, Cyberpunk 2077 seems to work better than expected on this console, although of course it remains the worst way to immerse yourself in the chaotic and atmospheric streets of Night City.